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Choosing the Right Gemstone or Crystal


Wearing crystals and gemstones is actually one of the most effective ways to use them for healing, while placing healing crystals around your home and office are wonderful ways of cleansing energy and creating a calm and healing environment.

Choosing the right crystal or gemstone can be a little daunting, as there are so many beautiful healing crystals to choose from.  The good news is that you can't go wrong if you go with what "feels" right!

All handmade healing jewellery, healing crystals and gemstone gifts at Charms Of Light® are created, and/or sourced, with love and healing intentions.  Each piece is charged with Reiki energy to enhance the natural healing energies of the semi precious gemstones used.  The combination of healing energies in the crystals and the channeled energy of Reiki, enhance and compliment each other beautifully.

Here are some things to think about when choosing a gemstone or crystal that works best for you.
  1. Do you feel a connection with birthstones?  Choose your birthstone - this could be your monthly birthstone, or your zodiac birthstone.
  2. Are your chakras out of balance?  Choose a chakra crystal or gemstone which governs the chakra system.
  3. Do you have a favourite colour?  Choose your gemstones by colour
  4. Are you drawn to a particular crystal or gemstone?  Choose to shop by gemstone.

1. Birthstone Crystals & Gemstones

Monthly Birthstones

Birthstones are specific gems that have been traditionally associated with each month of the year. The origin of birthstones is believed to date back to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Over time, there has been some variation in the particular stones used as monthly birthstones, however the idea of birthstones still has a significant place in many traditions, customs, and belief systems today.

What is your birthstone?  Work out your monthly birthstone crystal or gemstone below, by the month you were born.  If the birthstone that corresponds with that month feels good to you, then use the links to find healing jewellery, healing crystals and gemstone gifts in that particular stone.
January Birthstone
January Birthstone
February Birthstone
February Birthstone
March Birthstones
Aquamarine & Bloodstone
April Birthstones
Diamond & Clear Quartz
May Birthstones
Emerald & Chrysoprase
June Birthstones
Pearl & Moonstone
Ruby & Carnelian
August Birthstones
August Birthstones
Peridot & Sardonyx
September Birthstones
September Birthstones
Blue Sapphire
& Lapis Lazui
October Birthstones
October Birthstones
Opal & Pink Tourmaline
November Birthstones
November Birthstones
Yellow Topaz & Citrine
December Birthstones
December Birthstones
Turquoise & Blue Topaz

Zodiac Birthstones

Most people know that there is a particular gemstone, or birthstone, associated with the month of their birth, but our zodiac signs (astrological birth signs) have also long been linked to semi precious gemstones and crystals.  These are known as zodiac birthstones, or astrological birthstones.  In addition, each sign of the zodiac has several possible associated birthstones, which is why stones are often referred to as “having an affinity with”, rather than being specific to a particular zodiac sign.

What is your zodiac birthstone?  Work out your zodiac sign by your birthdate on the chart provided.  Use the links to find healing jewellery, healing crystals and gemstone gifts that contain your zodiac birthstones.
March 21 - April 20
April 21 - May 21
May 22 - June 21
June 22 - July 23
July 24 - August 23
August 24 - September 23
September 24 - October 23
October 24 - November 22
November 23 - December 21
December 22 - January 20
January 21 -
February 19
February 20 -
March 20

2. Chakra Crystals & Gemstones

Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body.  They are aligned with the spine and located in the base of the spine, the lower abdomen (sacral), the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the centre of the forehead (third eye), and the crown of the head.  Our chakras are associated with specific colours and crystals, and also govern different aspects of human emotion and behaviour.

Use the boxes below to find healing jewellery, healing crystals, and gemstone gifts targeted to the specific chakras, and discover more about each chakra and what part of the body it governs.  Chakra healing is very effective whether using chakra crystals that target specific individual chakras on their own, or balancing all chakras together.
Base Chakra
Base Chakra
Base chakra gemstones help keep us grounded.
Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Sacral chakra gemstones help with our relationships with others.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus chakra gemstones help with our emotions.
Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra
Heart chakra gemstones help with love, connection, acceptance, and powerful healing.
Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra
Throat chakra gemstones help with communication and expression.
Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye chakra gemstones help with intuition, and higher consciousness.
Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra
Crown chakra gemstones help with one's spirituality.
7 Chakras
All 7 Chakras
7 chakra jewellery brings all 7 chakras into alignment.

3. Crystals & Gemstones by Colour

Everyone is affected by colours, often more than they realise.  Colour is intimately tied to all aspects of our life, especially to its visual aspects.  It permeates our language, our culture and our health.  We use colours to describe our physical well-being, our emotions, our attitudes, and our spiritual experiences.

It's therefore no wonder that we are drawn to certain colours in every day life.  Whether it's painting a wall, or wearing a scarf, the colour we choose will have an effect on us.

Colours have healing properties, just as much as the gemstones that have those particular colour attributes.

What is your favourite colour?  Are there colours that you feel particularly drawn to at different times in your life?

Choose a colour below and find more information about the healing properties of that colour, along with healing jewellery, healing crystals and gemstone gifts containing that particular colour.
Red gemstones are stimulating, and help to build vitality on the physical level.
Orange gemstones help to bring joy, wisdom and creativity.
Yellow gemstones are stimulating, bringing joy, optimism and confidence.
Green gemstones bring balance and growth.
Blue gemstones are cooling, calming, and relaxing to the body's system.
Pink gemstones are soothing.
Purple gemstones are detoxifying and help to purify the body.
Indigo gemstones help with integration, purification, and altered states of consciousness.
Violet gemstones are purifying on both physical and spiritual levels.
Black gemstones are protective, grounding and strengthening.
Brown gemstones are grounding, and provide stability and support.
Cream gemstones are calming and relaxing.
White gemstones are cleansing purifying.

4. Shop by Gemstone

We are often drawn to particular crystals or gemstones at different times in our lives.  Whilst sometimes it's simply because we like the colour of the stone, or the way the crystal sparkles, it is usually because the stone contains natural healing energy and properties that offer the healing and/or support we require at that time.  Reading about the gemstone and crystal healing properties of those particular crystals will help you to understand the attraction it holds for you.

To find a specific gemstone for your healing jewellery, healing crystals or gemstone gifts, please use the "Shop by Gemstone" navigation tab (under "Shop Collections").  This list contains the names of the gemstones that are available, in varied forms, in the Charms Of Light Shop.

Some gemstones will be found in more than one listing, as many are known by more than one name - eg: Anyolite is also known as Ruby Zoisite, while Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope.  There are also many varieties of gemstone found under a particular generic name - eg: the Quartz family includes Amethyst, Aventurine, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz and many more; while the Agate family includes, Blue Lace Agate, and Moss Agate.  Where possible, I have listed each individual gemstone name.

If there is a crystal or gemstone you are looking for that you can't find in these lists, please contact me.  I may just have them available and waiting to be made up especially for you.

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Charms Of Light® - for Mind, Body and Spirit.

Healing Gemstone Jewellery, Healing Gifts,
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