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Zodiac Birthstones

What are Zodiac Birthstones?

Most people know that there is a particular crystal, or birthstone, associated with the month of their birth, but our zodiac signs (astrological birth signs) have also long been linked to semi precious crystals.  These are known as zodiac birthstones.  In addition, each zodiac has several possible associated birthstones, which is why stones are often referred to as “having an affinity with”, rather than being specific to a particular zodiac sign.

Zodiac birthstones are often chosen to be worn in jewellery, in addition to our monthly birthstones.  They are designed to harmonise your unique energies, promoting balance, healing, and personal growth.  Whether it is a pendant, necklace, bracelet, earrings, or a ring, zodiac birthstones are a very popular choice for special crystal gifts and amulets.

Zodiac birthstone jewellery and crystals from Charms Of Light® are charged with Reiki energy to further enhance the natural healing properties within each stone.  The combination of healing properties of crystals and the channeled energy of Reiki, enhance and complement each other beautifully.


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