When I began Charms Of Light my aim was to create something that was all about healing with energy, light and love!
In 2004, the Charms Of Light website was launched with only 8 healing pendants for sale. Today, I am proud to say, it has grown into a company that provides a range of healing products and services around the world.
I feel so honoured to be able to create, teach, initiate healing, and empower people through my intuitive gifts. My products include Healing Jewellery and Natural Healing Crystals, as well as healing gifts such as Gemstone Meditation Music. and Art Greeting Cards. My Spiritual Guidance and Healing services include, Angel Card Readings, Gemstone Consultations, Reiki Distant Healing and a Kundalini Reiki Course.
As Charms Of Light has grown, in turn, I have also grown and I am blessed to be sharing the gift of healing around the world and helping others along their own unique paths.
Charms Of Light is really an extension of who I am!
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Originally, this blog was started so that I could offer more information about healing, little snippets of my thoughts and the occasional website update! However, as my own spiritual growth moves onwards and upwards, I started also sharing little episodes of my experiences along the beautiful path of Love and Light. These experiences also include my "extra-curricular" healthy / healing activities "From Caryl's Kitchen".
The blog is sorted into different sections. The most popular articles are listed under the title, "Popular Articles", while there is also a "Topics" section, where you can look for posts relating to different topics. Or if you are looking for something in particular, try using the "Blog search" bar to see posts relating to your search.
Whether you are here to find information, or to see what I'm currently working on, I hope this blog brings you just what you need ..... and remember, you can also join me on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, or contact me if you have a request for me to create something special!
Love & Blessings,
Caryl ♥
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