One of the questions I'm often asked is, "Can you suggest some stones/crystals we can place around the house?"
Our homes are our sanctuaries. We want them to be a place where we can relax, feel safe, and be ourselves. One way of enhancing those protective, nurturing and loving vibes is to place crystals around the home.
Here are some suggestions:
Amethyst relieves stress and strain, thereby encouraging a relaxing and soothing environment in any living space. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation, which makes it a wonderful stone to have in an office space. Amethyst is also a natural tranquiliser, relieving stress and strain, so you will find it very helpful placed in the bedroom. Its calming qualities help to relieve insomnia and can help with remembering and understanding dreams.
Black Tourmaline is a very strong protective and grounding stone, therefore an excellent choice for protecting the home. Placing Black Tourmaline by the front door, or in corners around the home, can prevent any negative energies entering or stagnating in areas that may be used less often.
Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels. It restores trust and harmony in relationships and encourages unconditional love, therefore being a wonderful choice not only for the bedroom, but any living area you want to fill with loving and calming vibrations.
Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace. It brings an angelic light and protection to a space.
These are all my personal suggestions. There are, of course, many other crystals with energies that will protect and energise a home. If you feel particularly drawn to any, do use them, as they will be the ones that you need at the time. You can also play around with where you place your crystals. What feels right to one person isn't always the same for another. Feel free to move your crystals around until you feel they work the way you want them.
Caryl ♥
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