Lately, I have been prone to more aches, pains and colds that have felt quite severe at times. I’ve even had small accidents and injuries. The only way to deal with them has been to stop everything and pamper myself with a hot bath, sleep, or just a longer time to lie in bed in the morning. I generally try to think of these occurrences as signs that I had been overdoing it and that my mind, body and spirit needed regenerating.
While asking the angels for guidance this morning I was offered some enlightening insight: ~ sometimes these illnesses, traumas and accidents are signs that are warning us that we are not as grounded as we should be. In fact, we may actually be attracting injury or drama to gain personal space. The angels have told me, “Embrace and be patient with your pain.”
So, while I intuitively knew that these were signs, I am learning not to avoid the pain etc, but to accept each moment with grace and know that through it, I will gain wisdom, compassion and strength. I know it will bring insight and understanding and, in time, peace.
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