I see natural disasters as being the same as dis-ease in our bodies. When our bodies are tired and stressed dis-ease occurs in the form of illness, colds, aches & pains etc. Surely it's the same for Mother Earth! Over time, the stress and strain that has been put upon this planet, by our human selves, must bring forth some kind of dis-ease within it. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, I believe, are Mother Nature's way of telling us that, "Enough is enough!"
We could all send out healing and love asking that the hotspots on this planet be stilled and calmed, but what about the healing that needs to happen. As I've said before, when healing dis-ease in our bodies, we need to acknowledge the problem and go with the flow, so the healing can take place properly. We mustn't fight it or try to stop it, as that just covers it up, making the dis-ease either worse, or encouraging it to come out in another form of dis-ease. The same should go with natural disasters.... instead of sending healing to try to stop them so everyone can carry on as usual, we should be changing the way we live, for the sake of future dis-ease on the planet which will affect us all more and more.
Just like anyone, I don't like to see people hurt and wouldn't wish disasters like these to happen, however I do think that we have to learn from them and start living our lives more thoughtfully for the sake of the future. As Earth Day approaches, let's give healing and love to Mother Earth by changing the way we do things to help her recover from the damage that's been caused for so long. If we all take just one small step, the impact of those small steps will go a long way towards healing our world.
Earth Day should be EVERY day!
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