People often talk to me about having lots of things that they "have to" do. They tell me that they've got "to-do" lists that are miles long and that are often filled with things that are silly or shouldn't be there.
My first suggestion is always to delete the "silly", or "shouldn't be there" items. The reaction is always a laugh, then .... "but I have to because ....."
So how can you feel better about getting through these things that have to be done? Try turning your "to-do" lists into "I-choose-to-do" lists!
You always have a choice whether to do something or not. Sure, if you choose not to do something, then that something may not get done, but you've made the choice, so you should feel good about it. By making those things that you feel need to be done, things that you actually choose to do, you can magically change the way you feel about them. We can actually turn them into something that is much easier to handle by thinking about them differently. When you choose to do something, it becomes bearable and sometimes even enjoyable, because you are approaching it in a more positive way, instantly bringing in much friendlier energy to deal with.
What will you choose to do today?
Love & blessings,
Caryl ♥
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